Thursday, June 28, 2012

tasty thursday: my diet food

Since I'm having a conflict with my body especially my weight, no matter what I have to control my food intake. Currently I'm not consuming rice as my main menu which is hard to do for a die hard fan of rice like me. :( But I have to force myself to at least get my ideal weight back like after SPM. Many friends said there's nothing wrong with my body, but I'm petite and was born with easily-get-fat genetic which is the extra factor for me why I easily gained weight but SUPER HARDLY lost it. With this current body, I look like ayam serama. Hahaha. And it's not just getting a good body but for my own health. Tak nak la muda-muda dah kena banyak penyakit. I nak kahwin youuuu.

Alhamdulillah, for this sort semester, since I'm living at home, it's more easier for me to plan my diet and cook it myself. No nasi-nasi, but rather replacing it with other lower value of carbohydrate and protein. And of course one day off where I will treat myself with nasi but in controllable amount la.

Here they are, some of the food that I snapped from my cheapskate phone. :) 
And I'll share with you the recipes because it's too easy too make. This is my own campak-campak version. Tutup sebelah mata pun boleh buat :)


Prawn Dumpling Soup
For Dumpling

Dumpling pastry ( Beli dekat Giant section yang ada tauhu telur)
Udang (Dipotong kecil)
Bawang putih cincang
Hirisan carrot dan sengkuang (kalau malas, parut je :)

  1. Panaskan minyak. Pastikan minyak tu sikit je.
  2. Tumis bawang putih sampai layu. 
  3. Masukkan udang.
  4. Dah agak2 masak, masukkan carrot dan sengkuang.
  5. Perisakan dengan garam.
  6. Inti tu tolak tepi kuali, supaya air udang dengan sayur turun.
  7. Letak di atas pastry. Lipat macam bentuk bunga. Watch it here at min 6:31.
  8. If nak makan saja, boleh kukus, tapi sapu minyak atas kuali pengukus nak elakkan dumpling melekat. Kukus dalam 15 minit macam tu
For Soup
  1. Hiris bawang putih. 
  2. Masukkan bawang putih dan didihkan.
  3. Masukkan dumpling dan perasakan sup dengan garam.
  4. Siap. :)

Toasted Chicken Sandwich  with Cheese
I just used wholemeal bread, yela kata nak kurus kan and chicken ham. Toast the bread and saute the ham without oil on non-stick pan. Put any veggies you like and cheese and mayo if you prefer. Walla. Easy peasy!


Chicken Burrito
What you need are:

Chicken breasts ( of course the most healthiest part)
Minced garlic
Olive oil
Rosemary and thymes ( takde pun takpe)
Black pepper (kisar)
A bit of white pepper and salt
  1. Just marinate all of these thing about 10-15 minute.
  2. Grill the chicken on pan without oil or in the oven since you have smeared the olive oil onto the chicken, until it become tender and fully cooked.
  3. Cut the chicken into slices and put them on the tortilla or anything that you like. Maybe on bread. Add veggies and cheese and roll it to look like a wrap. You can even get two portion from one tortilla and even half, you'll surely full enough.
****I don't know what's the name of the bread I bought at UIA. There's a shop at UIA that sell all kind of Arabian food stocks like this kind of bread. It looks like a tortilla, but it's not really is. Made in Malaysia la tapi.

Here goes my menu. Drooling enough? Try to do it yourself and it's really fun to cook and these menu I tell you, they don't cost you over RM10. :) And don't ask me about the proportion since I'm not good at giving quantities. Agak-agak je la. Like my mom said, "Masak ni main agak-agak je, lepastu rasa, tak cukup tambah."

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