Tomorrow will be the first day for my 2nd year, 1st semester (2012/2013) session. Am excited. Finally I managed to arrange my timetable according to my wish. Here in UIA, you got to have at least 2 back-up plan beside your master plan when arranging your schedule. Because you might not know what will happen to your dream time table. As for me, I had enough for my 2nd sem for I forgot that day was the pre-registration day. And as the result, my time table went haywire and I was extremely exhausted with the schedule. As far as I could avoid doing manual subject registration by seeing the lecturer, begging for their sign to be accepted into the class and sending the form to the department waiting if it'd be approved, I would avoid it. It's tiring you know. Hence, usually the students will register using many ways in order to get into the system and freed themselves from suffering the hectic procedures next semester. And I myself used 2 laptops to ensure the place. Haha. Cursing rather than praying during pre-registration is common at that time. One thing that UIA really need to upgrade is their server capacity and Wi-Fi too.
And I'll be staying with the same roommates, same block, same level - which is the highest one; level 5, same compartment but different room. Yeay for that.
Enough for the babbling. Tada! My beloved schedule.
I'd rather having class early in the morning and packed till noon compared to having classes in the evening. Super duper tired. Hopefully I can cope with it - 3 core courses, 2 IRK courses, 1 HS course, 1 Arabic course and halaqah.
To my lovely friends, GOOD LUCK! :)
The end of the beginning. Bismillah. Fighting!
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