Thursday, December 1, 2011

for everything that happened,

Alhamdulillah. This week so far has been a great week for me after having some internal emotion conflict lately.

Oh, I just want to share the happy news that I'd received yesterday, my application for the Pinjaman Pelajaran Selangor has been approved. Tak kisahlah walaupun pinjaman je pun. :)

Before I go back to my home from UIAM, I had a conversation with Sofiah and we talked about the never end issue - COUPLE. Memangla nampak lame gila. Btw, jangan salah sangka, we were not talking about having boyfriend or such a thing. And what made me so interested is that how Sofiah has given me such an impact towards the issue. Dia siap pesan dekat aku, dia kata:

"Kita tak tahu macam mana kita akan diuji walaupun kita ni pakai tudung labuh or alim macam mana pun, ujian ALLAH ni kita tak tahu macam mana. Aku harap, kalau tiba-tiba aku diberi ujian 'cinta' dan kau nampak aku macam lalai dengan semua benda ni, please, marah la aku, tegur lah aku do whatever it takes untuk wake me up."

It strikes me off when she said that. Seriously, until now, apa yang dia cakap tu still playing in my mind. Ya ALLAH, aku tak pernah rasa macam tu kalau aku diberi ujian 'cinta' tu. As for me, it is part of life. So you should take the chance lah kan. Bak kata orang, bila lagi nak rasa. And after my break up, I admit that I took over a year to get over the feelings and of course la kan, kadang-kadang bila kita sayang orang tu sangat-sangat, tak banyak pun, mesti ada sikit la hope untuk getting back together. Tapi tu dulu, you know what. After masuk UIA ni, I've learnt a lot, especially from my surrounding. How love can take you away from ALLAH and other human beings. Bila fikir balik apa yang Sofiah cakap, it reflected back what I've done before. No, I am not regretting it but I feel so grateful for going through it.

And we discussed and having the same thought that now is not the right time for you to get your own love. Kalau lah ada sekalipun, apa kata hold dulu for a while. Means, kalau betul kita sayang sangat dekat orang tu tapi kita tak mampu nak berkahwin untuk menghalalkan perhubunga tu, apa kata kita tak payah decision untuk couple. We keep the feelings for ourselves and at the same time, we pray to ALLAH to protect our feelings and the relationship. Kalau betul dia sayang kita, mesti dia pun sama macam kita jugak, akan terima dan respect apa yang kita decide. If not, you know what I mean kan. Simpan rasa untuk diri sendiri. Masing-masing tahu apa yang ada dalam diri masing-masing dan tahu apa yang nak dibuatkan. :) Sambil tu jugak, kita boleh sembahyang istikharah, untuk mintak petunjuk. Tapi harus diingat, sembahyang istikharah ni bukan untuk minta jodoh je, untuk semua benda dalam hidup kita. Nanti, bila, dah dalam tahun akhir, dah nampak hala tuju the relationship, barulah go further, contohnya, jumpa parents dia ke apa ke kan. :)

Alang-alang tu, I want to share the du'as that I always recite after my prayer everyday. :)

25:74 And those who pray, "Our Lord! Grant unto us wives and offspring who will be the comfort of our eyes, and give us (the grace) to lead the righteous."


"Ya Allah ya Tuhanku, kalau benar dia jodohku, maka Kau dekatkanlah ia. Jikalau dia bukan jodohku, maka Jauhkanlah dia daripadaku"

Believe me, yang second du'a tu, it works. 

And thank you Syamil Sofiah, for being such a good friend to me, who keeps reminding me about everything in life and also Islam.

Before I end, let me share with you, this great documentary about Dr. Muhaya. 

***p/s: Kalau ada rasa tu, simpan-simpanlah dulu dan berdoalah. Kalau dah mampu, bolehlah kahwin :D


Mufidah said... true !! good job syiqin and keep it up =)


thank you mufidah. credit to syamil sofiah too :)

PEAH said...

jgn risau..jodoh tu rahsia ALLAH. =) keep being a good muslimah