i found this article at the facebook shared by sister amirah farhana and it was soooo cute yet super duper good (to me). here's the article and my opinion about the topic. :)
1. The most basic form of hijab is to cover the whole body, except the hands up to the wrist. Take note that hijab is not only about covering your head with a headscarf, but it’s about covering your body too! A hijab isn’t complete until both requirements (head and body) are covered.
2. A proper hijab requires one to wear loose clothes in order to avoid “showing” those beautiful curves! The Prophet (pbuh) has warned us that women who are dressed yet naked (ie: tight-fitting clothes) will receive harsh punishment in Hell (nauzubillah).
3. Think that headscarf or long skirt of yours is solid enough? Look again, it might be transparent and people are able to see the shape of your hair bun or legs! Whatever material or fabric you put on yourself; make sure they are not transparent!
4. Ladies, keep your attire or outfit simple and modest! There’s no need to be flashy in order to attract the attention of others! Most importantly, it should be free of anything that may lead to arrogance, self-conceited, pride and riya’. As ladies, we are to display Allah’s blessings upon us in our clothing, but do it without going to the extreme of wastage or extravagance.
5. “Are you a girl… or a boy?” Is the type of question other people shouldn’t be asking when it comes to an individual, and we should avoid it at all costs! Dressing up/ looking as the opposite gender is dangerous to self, as it challenges the pride and it brings confusion to others. So ladies, be proud of your girly self! :)
6. Why bother dressing up the others (ie: the unbelievers) when you, as a Muslimah, have your own identity to be proud of? By imitating them outwardly, it might lead to imitating them inwardly (beliefs, characteristics). Muslim ladies too, have their own style and fashion to be proud of! :)
MY PERSPECTIVE: kan? is it necessary to follow others/trend? perlu ke kena pakai semua latest fashion season. jangan cakap sebab kita ni perempuan kita kena ikut semua tu. no, it's totally wrong. it's true, we have to be beautiful because ALLAH loves beautiful things too. tapi, cuba check balik, do we dress to impress others or do we dress to get the bless? apakah kita puas bila orang cakap kita cantik tetapi di mata Dia kita hodoh? apakah kita rasa gembira apabila orang memuji kita pandai berfesyen sedangkan gaya kita dihadapan Dia sangat memalukan? cukupkah untuk berasa cantik dan bergaya sekiranya kita sendiri pun tidak sempurna. it's not that i'm saying we cannot look pretty and beautiful. of course we can. but it will be more beautiful if we follow the guidelines and be MODEST. like ellisal said, it's true, teen's life is once in your life time, but then it is NOT an excuse for you to live without borders. :)
this is a reminder for myself too because i am a human like all of you who needs to be reminded all the times:D
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